Friday 6 April 2012

Allotment - Pak Choi

Another vegetable I have never tried but have heard lots about. It is meant to taste a little like cabbage. It is another member of the Brassica family so should like the Irish climate. We have a variety called 'White Stemmed' which it says on the packet should be ready to harvest in 8-10 weeks. I don't think even the most optimistic grower would expect a harvest in Ireland that quickly, especially after such a wet and cold April. 

We sowed 7 seeds in 7 x 2" inch pots in good quality multi-purpose compost and literally just left them outdoors but under a layer of Enviromesh to keep the worst of the weather off them. 

The following picture was taken 3 weeks after sowing and demonstrates the slow growth so far this year.  

Hopefully May will bring a nice increase in temps otherwise I will have to pot these on to larger pots as I don't want to plant them out when they are too young / small.

For succession sowing's we will be doing another batch in early May (6 no), early June (5 no) and early July (5 no). 

I just hope we like it now! 

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