Thursday 5 April 2012

Allotment - Broad Beans

We bought the Broad Bean seeds last summer planning on sowing them over the winter. Sadly we missed the boat so instead had to wait until this spring to get them started. 

We have 2 varieties of Broad Bean, 'Masterpiece Green Longpod' and 'Red Epicure' but both are sown in the same way. We need to plant out 11 plants of each variety but sowed 15 of each to have a few spares if needed. In small pots filled with compost, make a small hole using dibber, pencil or whatever your weapon of choice is and put a seed into the hole. Top off with a little more compost, water and leave to germinate. 

We sowed these seeds in a propagator tray and covered with the lid but left the tray outdoors. We are hoping that the additional heat will help them germinate quicker but that being outdoors from early on means they will not need hardening off and will be tougher plants. It is almost like a mini cold frame, hopefully. 

There is an additional cover that goes on top of this bed which keeps the worst of the weather off the sowing trays. 

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