Tuesday 10 April 2012

Allotment - Enviromesh

Unfortunately for every crop you want to grow there are will be at least 1 pest that loves to eat it before you do. 

Enviromesh was something I had been reading a lot about last year as particularly good for covering Carrots from the Carrot Fly but it has so many other applications than simply this. In the picture below you can see a sheet of this mesh covering our onions, parsnips, carrots and further right lettuce plants last year. I looked at each carrot during pulling (of which there were many) and none appeared to have any damage whatsoever from the dreaded fly. 

The mesh itself is very fine,feels extremely tough and durable and is guaranteed for at least 10 years. Last year we used plastic pegs to keep it in place and these did the trick. 

The mesh lets light and water to penetrate which is obviously key to allow pants to mature uninhibited. 

If there are any drawbacks to it, the main one would be the price tag. The sheet below measures 5m x 2.6m and retails at €31.99. I have two rolls at this size and it pretty much covers 1 of our 3 beds. Of course not every vegetable plant needs to be protected in this way but certainly carrots and parsnips benefit from its use. Other vegetables such as Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, Swedes, Turnips etc. would all be protected with the mesh. 

If I had the cash I would definately purchase enough to cover all our raised beds but until then will have to make do. 

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