Saturday 31 March 2012

Allotment - Asparagus

Well after 12 months of talking about it I finally planted some Asparagus crowns in the allotment. They have been in the shed for the last year so not even sure that they will grow but If you don't try you don't get. I have been amazed by nature in the past so wanted to give them a chance before chucking them on the compost heap.

They require a deep well draining and finely prepared location with no large rocks / stones in the soil. I made a trench approx 10 inches deep across my raised bed. and loosened up the soil a little on the base. The trench only has to be a spades width across. 

The crowns (I have 4) are then placed on top of the loosened soil at a distance of of 18 inches of 1.5 feet apart. Spread out the 'tails' a little so they are evenly separated. The books say to only replace approx 3 inches of soil initially and once shoots appear to add more as you go but I chose to ignore the conventional wisdom and covered them completely. So now to wait and see. I believe it can take up to two months for the shoots to appear so now to play the waiting game. 

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