Wednesday 19 May 2010


This picture is of my tattoo only a few hours after I got it done on Nov 20th 2008.

It is the Latin phrase "Numquam Cede" which means "Never give up". The timing is a little ironic as I got this tattoo the same week I quit smoking but hows ever. It was my first time getting a tattoo done and while I was a little nervous getting it done was an exhilarating experience.

I was stuck in a rut and needed a change, I didn't like how my life was going and so I changed it, in a short space of time I quit a 20 a day smoking habit, joined the gym and got this tattoo done to remind me of the bad times, to not let me forget to always try harder and to live life to its fullest. I am a person who does not like change and so to go through all of this change in such a short space of time was a shock to the system but also just what was needed.

So if you find yourself stuck in a rut in your life, shake things up and do something different.

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